Archaeologists find Mexico temple to god of skinning sacrifices

[Article] Au Mexique, des archéologues ont trouvé un temple dédié à une divinité ancienne.

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Archaeologists find Mexico temple to god of skinning sacrifices.Archaeologists in Mexico have found the first temple to the pre-Hispanic deity Xipe Totec, a god of fertility and war who was worshipped by sacrificing and skinning captives.Evidence indicates that priests ritually sacrificed their victims...
This article was published Saturday, 5 January, 2019 by AFP
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Archaeologists find Mexico temple to god of skinning sacrifices.jpg

INAH/AFP / Meliton TAPIA A statue of Xipe Totec, a pre-Hispanic god whose priests sacrificed and then skinned humans, and then wore their flayed skins on their own backs as part of a fertilty ritual in what is now Mexico

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