Russia's Arctic plans add to polar bears' climate woes.

[Article] En Arctique, les ours viennent chercher de la nourriture au plus près des humains.

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Russia's Arctic plans add to polar bears' climate woes.Moscow (AFP) - Last month's visit by roaming polar bears that put a Russian village on lockdown may be just the beginning.For as Moscow steps up its activity in the warming Arctic, conflict with the rare species is likely to increase.More than 50...
This article was published Wednesday, 6 March, 2019 by AFP
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Russia's Arctic plans add to polar bears' climate woes.jpg

Polar bears feed at a garbage dump near the village of Belushya Guba, on the remote northern Russian archipelago of Novaya Zemlya on October 31, 2018 © AFP/File Alexander GRIR

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