'Game of Thrones' creators to make new 'Star Wars' films

[Article] Lucasfilm a annoncé hier le projet de lancer une nouvelle série de films de l'univers de Star Wars, des films qui seraient réalisés par les créateurs de la série à succès 'Le Trône de fer'.

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'Game of Thrones' creators to make new 'Star Wars' films.Los Angeles (AFP) - Lucasfilm announced plans Tuesday for a new series of "Star Wars" films made by the team behind "Game of Thrones," as it seeks to build on the lucrative sci-fi franchise.David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the creators of the smash-hit,...
This article was published Thursday, 8 February, 2018 by AFP
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'Game of Thrones' creators to make new 'Star Wars' films.jpg

The team behind the popular "Game of Thrones" will write and produce new films that are separate from the main Star Wars saga and the trilogy being developed © DIFF/AFP/File PATRICK BAZ

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