Supermarkets must help end 'brutal conditions' for farmers

[Article] Selon l'organisation caritative internationale Oxfam, les supermarchés ont un rôle important à jouer pour améliorer les conditions de travail et de vie, souvent très dures, des petits producteurs et des fermiers qui leur fournissent leurs produits.

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Supermarkets must help end 'brutal conditions' for farmers.Paris (AFP) - Supermarkets in the West are using their purchasing power to force suppliers to cut their prices, contributing to exploitation and even forced labour of millions of farmers worldwide, a global charity said Thursday."Millions of...
This article was published Friday, 22 June, 2018 by AFP
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Supermarkets must help end 'brutal conditions' for farmers.jpg

Indian tea farmers, many of them women, are scraping a living, Oxfam says © AFP/File STR

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